Sunday, December 30, 2007

i think im sick

im sick of writing poems. this isnt doing me any good so why am i trying to fool myself? im sick of liars that continue to lie after they know theyve been caught only becuase their pride is too big to swallow. im sick of looking for love and getting my heart broken. im sick of people judging me as the "quiet girl". if they only took the time and got to know me, they'd realize that im the complete opposite of quiet. im sick of politics and people who say i need to be political. maybe its laziness of not wanting to research the different classes but the fact is, i dont care about what political class i fit into. stop pestering me! im sick of my english teacher who is president of the "i hate heather club". she always counts my essays as late when i turn them in on time and she's unfair with everything she does. she doesnt even let me go to the bathroom, but she lets everyone else. im sick of it! im sick of people asking me if i party, enough said. im sick of relying on medicine to make myself feel better. im sick of being limited to everything just becuase i got my tonsils out. im sick of venting to a computer.

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